Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Behold, behold, you who have no more tears:
No house falls to pieces or burns away.
No home is built and then crumbles.
No asylum are the voiceless stones for the soul of man.
No kingdom gives shelter to the treacherous and a bright sky is no place for the homeless to wander.
No sermon soothes, nor is a confession what gives perishable joy.
No heart closes its eyes for Justice, nor is reason what closes its ears for the manifestations of truth.
No world is held in man’s hands, man himself is the world.
Through this world the formless and void earth permeates man to take form and to become Heaven.
Heaven is no man, but it is inside man as man is inside Heaven which is a handshake between the Lord and man.
I wish your soul craves for the secret which says:
No sun sets down, nor is moon what strives to rise like the Sun!

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